The constellation Monoceros the Unicorn, lies in the feature rich central band of the Milky Way and hosts a wealth of newly formed stars in seething clouds of hydrogen gas. This image centers on NGC 2264, an open star cluster with surrounding blue reflecting nebulosity of the young stars. To its right is the Cone Nebula, a feature shaped by interplay of surrounding dust and interstellar hydrogen gas. The brightest star along the center line to the left is magnitude 4.6 SAO 114258 aka S Mon. Above it, stretches the Fox Fur Nebula. The comet shaped object to the upper right is Hubble’s Variable Nebula, NGC 2261. It is an extremely unusual object that changes its features from week to week.
Imaged through an 8” f/2.8 Newtonian, QSI683 cooled camera, and 11.2 hours of exposure over a period of several nights.